Friday, April 16, 2010

An Answer Revealed

What is this strange, strong, bony-like structure running from the bottom of my skull all the way down to my backside??

Oh! Wait! It's called a BACKBONE! Apparently I finally grew one strong enough that it stays put long enough to yield results in my pursuits.

I spoke before about Bailey. How I had screwed up the courage to ask if it would be ok to kiss her the night she had dinner at my place. Well we've been hanging out a lot since then. Just socially, gone to a couple of parties together, and had some really good conversations. There's been some fun innuendo in jest (I think it was jesting!) but after I put the question out to her that night and she didn't take the advance, I have not pushed this issue. But I have still maintained my interest in pursuing her.

The other day I surprised her at work with a slice of cake with a candle in it on her birthday. I just happened to be all dressed up and pretty in a summer dress and high heels, and she didn't hide the fact that she absolutely checked me out as I walked in (so did all the guys she works with!). I couldn't stay long, just a brief visit, and a peck on the lips as I left. (Nothing out of the ordinary for me to do with a friend).

It would seem that patience and gentle pursuit pay off. She sent me a text message later saying, "in answer to your question if it would be inappropriate to kiss me, my answer is no not at all".

I haven't stopped grinning all week.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Crash and Burn, or Baby Steps?

Yeah yeah, I know, I said I was going to be away a while until my wrist heals but I just have to write about tonight.

I just had a dinner date with a woman I have known for 5 or 6 years and have been in lust with since day 1. We used to belong to the same social club and both of us left it about 4 years ago and have only seen one another once or twice since.

About two weeks ago I was at a party at a friend's house and we got talking about women (this friend knows I'm bi). My friend is straight and has been with the same man for almost 16 years. But as the booze flowed she got talking about lesbian relationships and has stated (more than once) that if she were to "cross over" it could be for either Bailey or for me. I'm highly flattered by this, but that's beside the point. The very next day my best friend was at a local social gathering and ran into Bailey. They both got talking about me and, what do you know, later that night I found Bailey on facebook and added her to my friend list.

This past Wednesday I decided to go to the very same social my friend had been to and much to my delight, Bailey was there. We had a fantastic time catching up with one another and found out that we have a LOT in common. Now one fact to clarify; Bailey is a very "out" lesbian. What I didn't know, however, is that until last Wednesday Bailey had NO idea I was into women at all. And I also learned that she is even worse than I am when it comes to flirting with women. But me being me, I did scrounge up the guts to ask her to come over for dinner this weekend - tonight.

WOW! We had a fantastic dinner together. I cooked, she brought the wine, we had an amazing time re-connecting. What made it even better is that for the first time in - I don't know how long - I actually have the house to myself. It is Saturday night, and Craig took all three kids up North to visit his parents for the weekend. I have to leave for North Bay in the morning so I didn't join them.

Bailey arrived around 6:00 pm, we had some appetizers, ate dinner, drank some wine and talked about nearly every conceivable topic you can think of. I told her of how I realized I was into women, she told me of some of her early experiences and how it was to come out. We had a great night, drank really nice red wine, sat close on the couch, caught up, talked about life, the universe and everything (yes I am a fan of the Hitch Hiker's Guide). Then came the end of the night. I have been doing my best all night not to hide or tone down the fact that I really find her hot and would *love* to take things further. Bailey was getting her coat on to leave and as she was ready to go I asked "Would it be entirely inappropriate if I asked to kiss you?". She said a slightly stammering "yeah maybe", blaming it on being all stuffed up from the dogs and cats here. So I don't know, did I blow it by being too forward, or should I just take baby-steps and see where this leads us?

Either way, I am happy to have her as a friend back in my life. I would not complain if it were to become more than just friendship.

I really hope I didn't cause my own crash and burn.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Welcome to my page

Thanks for checking out my page.

I realised recently that I need an outlet for all of the words that pile up inside my head through out my days, and what better forum than this. There will be tales of what I have done, events in my life, people I know, I will write of my thoughts on issues that interest or concern me, and sometimes I will weave a thread of fancy for you. The only questions you may have are: which stories are real and which are fiction. I'll never tell.

There is a lot about me, or so I have been told. I hope you will enjoy my blog and keep coming back.

More to come later ladies and gentlemen, but for now I bid you a good night.
